Free 30 Day Running Challenge

 Are You Ready To Challenge Yourself? 

From January 1st to 30th, Join the Fun Run Box 30 Day Running Challenge for FREE! Set a Goal and you will Accomplish a Goal.

30 Day Running Challenge

  • Get a 30 day running challenge guide
  • Join a fun, inspiring group of runners and get instant encouragement and support
  • Keep yourself accountable 
  • Build a habit that will stay with you for the rest of the year


How it Works

  • Sign up using form below
  • We will send you an email with the challenge details and link to the group to join.
  • On January 2nd, you'll start the challenge
  • For the most encouragement and support, check in with the group regularly and report on your progress
  • Each week we'll send you an email with the upcoming workouts

What Happens After 30 Days?

  • Congrats! You have developed a running habit!
  • You are fitter than you've ever been
  • Ready for more? No problem, we'll let you know how to continue the fun.

Ready To Challenge Yourself?