
Fun Run Box Scavenger Hunt Challenge

Welcome to the Challenge!


You'll still find the Scavenger challenge details on the usual card inside your Fun Run Box with the gear we sent you, but we would love it if you would give the app a try!

**If you did not get this box and still want to do the challenge, please join our Facebook group where you'll be able to download the card.**

Last month, we added a web app, you can access it at

The FRB Fitness App allows you to:

  • Electronically track your workout challenges and earn virtual points!! You earn a virtual badge for each workout you complete. Can you get them all?

  • View entries we've captured for the Team Photo Competition

  • You can log all the scavenger items that you find!

  • You can also share your workouts to social, and we have even included the hashtags you need for Twitter!

  • View the Team Challenge scores. Scores will be updated on FRB Fitness regularly as well as on our Facebook group page.

  • There is a Leaderboard, Y’all! Keep track of your progress, and help motivate each other to finish the challenges and find all the scavenger hunt items.

The FRB.Fitness app is brand new, and it is for you! So…if you have any feedback at all, we'd LOVE to hear it! Please email


What are the prizes this month?

When you've found all the scavenger hunt items and posted them with the appropriate hashtags, you can submit your entry here. We will randomly select 5 scavenger hunt winners from all the verified completed entries. We will announce the winners at the beginning of November.

We will once again be offering team prizes for the team with the most team challenge posts. Eligible pictures include scavenger hunt items with the item hashtag, team hashtag and #funrunbox included. Only one pic per scavenger item please. Only active members who submit at least 4 photos are eligible for prizes. We reserve the right to disqualify photos that don't meet the spirit of the competition.


Where are the galleries?

You can find the galleries in our app right here, or scroll down this page to get a peak!

I got the training kit, can I do this instead?

Yes! Create an account at and join the fun! You can also download the training card from the Facebook group, please see the Files section. If you want to get the box, you can order it here while supplies last! Use the code 20OFFOKTOBERFEST to take 20% off the price of the single box.

Team Challenge Photo Contest Entries

Copyright © Fun Run Box 2017